The School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences is committed to maintaining the high standard of teaching and accreditation status of your current program. As the new curriculum is implemented, a teach-out arrangement will ensure you have opportunity to complete your required courses for graduation. For most continuing students, the curriculum changes will have little impact on your studies. The below information is intended as a general guide, students with specific questions are encouraged to contact the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences directly.
I commenced semester 2, 2021
Students who commenced their studies in semester 2, 2021, will be contacted directly to discuss an enrolment plan. Most students will have the opportunity to transition into the new program during 2022.
I commenced prior to semester 2, 2021
Students who commenced their studies prior to 2021 will continue their course of study and in most cases will be unaffected by the curriculum change. Your courses will still be offered, but any personal circumstance that will extend the overall duration of your program may require additional planning during the teach-out period.