See below for a list of all postragraduate study options available.
Graduate Certificate in Clinical Pharmacy
The Graduate Certificate in Clinical Pharmacy is tailored to meet the needs of graduates with limited study time and can be completed in a minimum of one year part-time.
Please note: International students - This program is only available on an external basis; is full fee paying; students may only study from their home countries; students aren’t eligible for an Australian student visa.
Learn more about the Graduate Certificate in Clinical Pharmacy.
Master of Clinical Pharmacy
The professional roles of pharmacists are continuously evolving.
The Postgraduate Clinical Pharmacy Program at UQ is supporting pharmacists into the future by facilitating the advancement of their skills, knowledge, understanding and confidence to practice competently in an ever-changing healthcare environment.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) concept of the 8 Star Pharmacist lends itself to a broad and holistic approach to pharmacy education and practice. It envisions pharmacists as care-givers, decision-makers, communicators, managers, life-long-learners, teachers, leaders and researchers. It is used as a framework for developing scope of practice and expertise as a clinical pharmacy practitioner.
While focusing on evidence-based, patient-centered care and up to date management of pharmacotherapy the program offers opportunities for hospital and community pharmacists to extend their practice in all WHO Star Pharmacist domains.
In addition, by completing the Clinical Pharmacy Program students will accumulate evidence for a portfolio that that can support all of the seven key domains of the Advanced Pharmacy Practice Framework in Australia.
Please note: International students - This program is only available on an external basis; is full fee paying; students may only study from their home countries; students aren’t eligible for an Australian student visa.
A complete breakdown of the study schedules for the program can be found here.
Graduate Certificate in Pharmaceutical Industry Practice
The Graduate Certificate in Pharmaceutical Industry Practice will provide you with industry-ready skills to support a career in the medicines and devices development sector, including courses on project management and commercialisation in the pharmaceutical industry to ready you to work in teams across various disciplines.
Find out more about the Graduate Certificate in Pharmaceutical Industry Practice.
Master of Pharmaceutical Industry Practice
The Master of Pharmaceutical Industry Practice delivers industry-ready graduates with a depth of understanding of all aspects relating to the pharmaceutical industry in both drug and device development. Students will gain insight into contemporary industry practice., and opportunities are provided for interaction with industry professionals, including placements where you will undertake more than 1,000 hours of supervised experience.
Learn more about the Master of Pharmaceutical Industry Practice.
Graduate Certificate in Pharmacy Practice
The Graduate Certificate in Pharmacy Practice provides intern pharmacists with specialised training and skills in pharmacy practice. The two-year part-time program has been developed to address the competencies required by the Pharmacy Board of Australia standards, as well as focus on learning that's relevant to contemporary pharmacy practice.
Commonwealth Supported Places (CSP) are available for Australian citizens, permanent visa holders, and New Zealand citizens. Please note that places are limited and allocated on the basis of academic merit.
Learn more about the Graduate Certificate in Pharmacy Practice.
Intern Training Program
The UQ Intern Training Program is a unique program that combines academic excellence with pharmacy practice to provide intern pharmacists the opportunity to build on their ITP year and obtain formal postgraduate qualifications, with credit towards a Graduate Certificate in Pharmacy Practice (GCPharmPrac).
This program is offered in conjunction with the National Alliance of Pharmacy Education (NAPE).
Commonwealth Supported Places (CSP) are available for Australian citizens, permanent visa holders, and New Zealand citizens. Please note that places are limited and allocated on the basis of academic merit.
Postgraduate coursework scholarships
For a full list of scholarships available please visit the UQ Scholarships page.