
Dr Nynke Jager


In Dutch hospitals, therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of antibiotics (aminoglycosides and vancomycin) is common practice. In most cases, dosing software with Bayesian forecasting is used to help optimise the individual patients’ dose. In this presentation the daily practice of TDM with dosing software performed by hospital pharmacists will be explained.

Speaker bio:

Dr Nynke Jager is a hospital pharmacy resident and postdoc researcher at the Amsterdam University Medical Centre in the Netherlands. She studied pharmacy at the University of Groningen, and completed her PhD in 2014 at the Slotervaart Hospital and the Netherlands Cancer Institute. Her main interest is the improvement of antibiotic treatment of patients with infections and she has a strong drive for the translation of research findings in clinical practice. She has developed assays for the determination of drugs in patient samples (serum as well as dried blood spots) and has also developed population models to describe the pharmacokinetics of antibiotic agents in patients in the ward and the ICU. For most of 2019, Nynke is working as a visiting academic at UQCCR where she is looking into the use of dosing software for dose optimisation of beta-lactam antibiotics in ICU patients.

Dr Nynke Jager

About Research-to-Impact Talks

SPPS Research-to-Impact talks are regular informal presentations of high-quality scholarly work with broad appeal and research impact.

The wider School community is invited to attend, including academic and professional staff, special guests, visitors, as well as HDR, postgraduate, masters and honours students.


Pharmacy Australia Centre of Excellence, 20 Cornwall St, Woolloongabba

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