Dr Amirali Popat - Emerging trends in stimuli responsive nanomaterials for oral drug delivery
Dr Amirali Popat
Emerging trends in stimuli responsive nanomaterials for oral drug delivery
The development of reliable oral delivery systems for problem drugs and biologics is one of the biggest challenges faced by the pharmaceutical industry in recent times. Despite this oral route of administration remains the most preferred route for the application of pharmaceuticals, due to its ease of administration and patience compliance. However, oral delivery of many small molecule drugs and most of the peptide drugs is challenging due to hostile environment in gastrointestinal tract, poor solubility and permeability. This results in their limited commercial use, as well as serious clinical development trade-offs that often result in poor efficacy and side effects associated with it. Therefore there is a compelling need for development of new generation of stimuli responsive materials with high loading capacity, and improved site specific delivery. We have developed several generation of mesoporous silica nanoparticles based materials for oral delivery of small molecules and macromolecules. Given that it takes more than 2 decades for a drug to become clinically available, our platform technology could provide much-needed impetus in the area of oral drug delivery of challenging molecules
Speaker Bio
Dr Amirali Popatis a Senior Research Fellow at the School of Pharmacy, The University of Queensland. His group’s research interests include the design of programmable nano formulations for personalised treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Cancer and Diabetes. Dr. Popat has an excellent track record and international standing in the area of novel drug delivery systems evidenced by > 30 peer reviewed publications and 2 patents. Most of these publications are in top tier journals in the fields of Chemistry (Angweandte Chemie, Chem Comm), Biomaterials (Biomaterials, Nanoscale), and Pharmaceutical Science (Mol Pharm, Int J Pharm, J Colloids & Interface Sci). Together these have a combined ISI I.F of >150 with ~1500 citations with an H-Index of 20. Testimony to his excellence in research, teaching and community engagement he has received many awards notably 2018 QLD Young Tall Poppy Science Award and Faculty Early Career Research Excellence Award.
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