Dr Danielle Kamato - The expansion on the role of Smad2 linker region represents a new cell signalling frontier
Dr Danielle Kamato (UQ School of Pharmacy)
Speaker Bio
Dr Danielle Kamato obtained her undergraduate degree in Biomedical Science (Pharm Sci)(Hons) in 2012 from RMIT University, followed by a Ph.D. in 2017. In 2019, Danielle was awarded a co-funded national health and medical research council and national heart foundation early career fellowship in the School of Pharmacy, University of Queensland. Danielle’s research is centred on exploring the signalling pathways in cardiovascular endocrinology specifically the role of proteoglycans in lipid deposition on atherosclerotic plaque. Danielle has over 37 publications with a H-index of 13 and over 570 citations. Danielle has collectively secured over $600,000 in competitive research funding and is on the editorial board of the International Journal of Molecular Science and the Journal of Vascular Biology.
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SPPS Research-to-Impact talks are regular informal presentations of high-quality scholarly work with broad appeal and research impact.
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