Professor Sid Patanwala - Using pharmacy practice to drive research in emergency and critical care
Professor Sid Patanwala, School of Pharmacy, University of Sydney
Observations from clinical practice and real world experience can lead to important clinical questions. In this presentation, I will describe some of my experiences as a clinical pharmacist in the U.S., the clinical questions and opportunities that resulted in research, and finally the transition to Sydney. Using examples of high-risk medications used in the critically ill such as neuromuscular blockers, sedatives, analgesics, vasopressors, and antibiotics, the presentation will highlight the important role of pharmacist clinician-researchers to improve the quality use of medicines.
Speaker biography
Professor Patanwala is Chair of Clinical Pharmacy and is jointly based at the University of Sydney School of Pharmacy and the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (RPAH). He is a registered pharmacist in both the United States and Australia and is a Board Certified Critical Care Pharmacist (BCCCP) from the Board of Pharmaceutical Specialties. His research interests include comparative effectiveness research of medication use in critical care and emergency medicine. He has been involved in international clinical trials and clinical practice guidelines. He serves on the Clinical Trials Sub-Committee for the Sydney Local Health District (RPAH Zone) and Drug Committee for RPAH. He is Chair of the Editorial Committee for the New South Wales Therapeutic Advisory Group, and Senior Associate Editor for the American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy. He has published 160+ journal articles and book chapters including those in NEJM, JAMA, Intensive Care Medicine, and Crit Care Med.
About Research-to-Impact Talks
SPPS Research-to-Impact talks are regular informal presentations of high-quality scholarly work with broad appeal and research impact.
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