Dr Julie Cichero - Thick drinks, pureed food, fussy eating, tablet swallowing issues and the International Framework: a kaleidoscope of research from inter-professional opportunities
Dr Julie Cichero (Mater-UQ)
Speaker Bio
Dr Julie Cichero is a dedicated specialist of feeding and swallowing disorders. Julie has worked clinically and conducted research into dysphagia from infancy to old age, working across a range of public and private health care settings. Julie has been a lecturer and researcher affiliated with The University of Queensland, Australia since 1996. She is an honorary Senior Fellow with the School of Pharmacy and affiliate with the Schools of Chemical Engineering and Food Technology. Julie is Adjunct Professor for the School of Clinical Sciences at the Queensland University of Technology, Australia. Julie's research interests lie in the rheology and behaviour of thick liquids; food texture; chewing development and picky eating; and bioavailability of medicines when mixed with foods and liquids. She has consulted to national and international professional and commercial organisations. Julie currently works as the Human Research Ethics Liaison Officer for Mater Research. Julie is also Co-Chair, for the Board of the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative [link to www.iddsi.org], assisting with global implementation of the IDDSI texture modified food and liquid framework
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