Dr Nagham Ailabouni, School of Pharmacy, The University of Queensland
Empowering people living with dementia and their carers to prime a conversation about deprescribing harmful medications with their healthcare professional
and Dr Jared Miles, School of Pharmacy, The University of Queensland
3D Printing Personalised Medicines
Speaker biographies
Dr Nagham Ailabouni
Dr Nagham Ailabouni is a Lecturer at The University of Queensland, Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences. Dr Ailabouni completed her PhD titled "Deprescribing in Older New Zealanders" from the University of Otago, Dunedin in 2018. Her PhD program involved exploring the barriers and enablers of deprescribing, the process of reducing harmful medications, from the perspective of key stakeholders (General Pracititioners and registered nurses).
Dr Ailabouni's main research foci include person-centred deprescribing, quality use of medicines in people living with dementia, and implementation science. In 2020, Dr Ailabouni was selected as an inaugural US Deprescribing Network Scholar. In 2021, she was awarded an international pilot award from the National Institute of Health (US Deprescribing Network).
Dr Ailabouni is currently leading this project as an international collaboration between the University of Queensland and the University of Maryland to co-design a conversation tool for people living with dementia to initiate a deprescribing conversation with their healthcare provider. In addition to this project, Dr Ailabouni has led six different consumer-centric translational research projects focussed on improving medication appropriateness in older adults in North America and Australasia.
Dr Jared Miles
Dr Jared Miles is a Lecturer at the School of Pharmacy and Affiliate Lecturer at the Poche Centre for Indigenous Health, The University of Queensland.
Dr Jared Miles a proud Yuwi man, pharmacist and early-career researcher with interests spanning from culturally safe and effective pharmacy practice through to new technologies for pharmaceutical development and delivery. After graduating from UQ School of Pharmacy in 2012, Jared worked as a community pharmacist before returning to undertake a PhD in pharmaceutical sciences, focusing on discovering new drugs for Alzheimer’s disease.
Throughout his PhD Jared developed an interest in teaching and tutored for many pharmacy courses. Ultimately this led Jared to apply for his current role as a Lecturer with UQ School of Pharmacy when he finished his PhD in 2021. As of 2022, Jared has developed and run a brand-new Pharmacy Practice and Medicines Management course for first-year students, and his lab is researching the application of 3D printing in drug delivery, with the goal of developing personalised solid dose forms for patient
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