Associate Professor Yousuf Mohammed

Researcher biography
Dr Yousuf Mohammed completed his PhD in pharmaceutics and skin drug delivery under the guidance of Associate prof Heather Benson, Prof Michael Roberts and Associate prof Tarl Prow. He has been working within the field of skin delivery at the Therapeutics Research Centre, University of Queensland - School of Medicine since 2012. His current research includes managing a five-year (2018-2023) US FDA funded project titled Bioequivalence of Topical products: Elucidating the Thermodynamic and Functional Characteristics of Compositionally Different Topical Formulations as a Principle Investigator and managing the five-year project (2014-2019) Characterization of Critical Quality Attributes for Semisolid Topical Drug Products as a Co-investigator. These projects aims to improve current regulatory guidelines for topical and transdermal semisolid products. Over the last 6 years, his work has been focused on skin penetration and skin toxicology of drugs and xenobiotics including nanoparticulate materials.