Dr Jodie Hillen

Researcher biography
Hi and welcome to my homepage.
I am a pharmacoepidemiologist and Quality Use of Medicines (QUM) specialist.
Since completing a Bachelor of Pharmacy in 1995, I have been fortunate to work in a broad variety of roles contributing to better health outcomes for all Australians.
My research focuses on identifying and evaluating the use of prescription medicines, and related health-services, to undertand if medicines are accessible to populations in need and used appropriately and safely.
Key populations included in my research are the Australian aged care community, patients receiving services in acute care (hospitals), mental health populations, clinical pharmacist activities, and populations using novel medicines (e.g. Monoclonal Antibiodies and Cell and Gene Therapy).
The outcomes of my research seek to deepen our understanding of the strengths and limitations of health care systems to inform the safety and quality of health care and health policy.