Macrophages are an important link in the immune system function and an essential part of the inflammatory resolution process. Signalling in these cells involves cytokine processes and cellular signals such as STAT-3 and nfKB. Natural products are providing new insights into novel biological activities and the potential for new classes of anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer agents. Examining their impact on immune cellular signalling is an important step towards unlocking new approaches and directions in treatments.

Expected outcomes and deliverables: 

This project will provide an introductory level of training towards undertaking a research career in cell biology and pharmacology in a pharmaceutical research context. The study will build on existing techniques and knowledge to expand our understanding and provide a research lead learning experience in a highly innovative environment.

We are looking for highly motivated individuals with pharmacology and pharmacy experience.

Administrative enquiries:

Please contact Myrtle Sahabandu, Research and Scholarships Officer (Thursday and Friday), School of Pharmacy Email:

Project members

Professor Peter Cabot

Head of School
School of Pharmacy
Affiliate of Centre for Innovation in Pain and Health Research (CIPHeR)
Centre for Innovation in Pain and Health Research